Can ChatGPT write your technology proposal?

Not sure?

Why not ask it?

I did.

ME: “Can you write a technology proposal?”

ChatGPT: “Yes, I can certainly help you write a technology proposal.

“Please provide me with the details of the project you want to propose,

a) such as the objective of the project,

b) the scope,

c) the timeline,

d) the resources required, and

e) any other relevant information.

“Based on that, I can provide you with a draft proposal that you can refine and use as needed.”


Looks good I thought.

Maybe there is something in it.

Let me sleep on it.

So, I did.

In the morning, I tried again.

This time I got a completely different response.

Over 500 words in less than 60 seconds.

ChatGPT picked a random topic: “Virtual Meeting and Collaboration Platform”

It structured the answer:

1. Introduction

2. Objectives

3. Methodology

4. Expected Outcomes

5. Conclusion

Not bad.

I kept trying.

And it kept generating: Same length à Same process à Same structure

All very reasonable.

All very corporate.

All very bland.

All the same.

🤔 My conclusion?

ChatGPT will change the world.

It will allow thousands of people to write better.

It will generate loads of copy.

But its all ultimately the same.

Same algorithm generating the copy.

Same dataset being ransacked.

Same process outputting.

Same, same and same.

See how I write.


Slope left.

