How I learned to love ChatGPT for $20!

I was a sceptic at first.

ChatGPT was the new kid in town.

Super smart.

Super fast.

Super bloody good at just about everything!

I tried to ignore it for a while… pretend it didn’t matter… who cared, I thought?


But eventually I caved in.

“Know your enemy.”

So, I gave it a go.

And Fark it was good…. Really, really, REALLY good…

No matter what I asked it, it came back with the answer … in a frigging nano second.

Full length question and answers!

Lots of facts and figures!

Information overload!

Details galore!

I was worried…. Was it better than me?

Yep…it was better … much, much better… at the drudgery!


ChatGPT (and all the other AI programs) are good at the churning out rote answers to rote questions.

Remember all that crap you had to memorise for school exams?
–         Boring lists of details needed for every exam?

–       Historical facts and figures about past events?

–       Blah blah this, and who cares that?

All very fascinating but never to be used ever again in normal life, right?


Work is a bit like that.

You know the high-level, the concepts and ideas, but can’t be buggered remembering the itsy-bitsy details.

Who can?

ChatGPT can!  

So why not use it for that?

And I did.

The next day, I used it at work … and as a weapon of mass (drudgery) destruction.


–       populate a proposal with the details about how to apply a common methodology to a new environment.

–       Something I was sure ChatGPT had at least a thousand versions of in its memory bank.

So I gave it a go.

  • I had the structure = my brain work
  • I knew what to ask = my brain work
  • I just needed the details = ChatGPT

Still took half a day to put it all together / refining /editing on the go.  I double-checked and validated, and carved it all up to fit my format.


And it worked a dream.

Saved me three days of tedious reading and distilling from the web.

And only cost me $20USD for the ChatGPT licence.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!



Have you used ChatGPT for work yet?  

Why?  \ Why not?

Answers below please.  (Gold star for best reply. Elephant stamp for honesty!)