This blog is an unbiased reflection on the information technology (IT) industry in Australia.
There are loads of IT companies out there spruiking their wares, always telling us how good they are.
There are loads of IT products we can buy that promise to enhance our lives.
You can read the good and the bad about these elsewhere: my aim is not to comment on the best or worst technology company, product or service.
I want to focus on the “industry” as an entity. How does it work? What does it do? Do well? Do badly? Care about? Not care about?
How does it deliver? What works? What doesn’t work?
And how can we improve it? What lessons can we learn? What mistakes can we avoid?

How will I do this?
By reflecting on my two decades in the industry where I worked across all phases of the SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle). By thinking through the roles I have had and what worked and what didn’t.
But also by connecting with my network and bringing together their ideas and suggestions for what we can improve. I have met so many people who are much smarter than me and who can contribute a lot more than I can.
My value-add will be to harness their knowledge and bring broadcast it to whoever cares to read it via this blog.

Lofty ambitions perhaps, but why not? Gotta start somewhere don’t we?
Wish me luck!